Saturday 9 February 2008

Counting down

Just had my introductory lesson for goes!

We have had a really encouraging day running the car boot sale. We have been quite overwhelmed by everyone's willingness to help. On Friday children at school had paid a pound each to come dressed up in 'International costumes'. They looked great. One 4 year old girl brought in an envelope with her own pocket money in it for Asha. Amazing. Other children donated toys for the sale too.

Dick and Julie came to do an assembly at school, showing us how big an average slum house is, and then getting the children to act out how many people would be living in it. One boy's reaction-- 'But that's smaller than my bedroom!' (Thanks D and J- it was really thought-provoking.)

Today, with clear blue skies and warm sunshine, we had the carboot sale. Other staff have been great at helping run the event. We had loads of interesting converations with people about Asha and Delhi. It is so encouraging to have so much support! Can't wait for Thursday!



Julie'smusings said...

Your colleagues and all the parents and children are SO supportive! Big "Thank you" to Thornford School.

Dick said...

Wow! That is amazing Sue! Thanks so much for organising this - and as Julie said - Thank you to all at Thornford School! We felt very welcome at the assembly!